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Power Up Your Thinking! : Creative, Critical and Innovative Thinking for 21st Century Business Success
“Ideas are the new commodity of the 21st century.” Richard Florida – Rise of the Creative Class
Innovation is survival. - JoAnn Corley-Schwarzkopf
“You cannot solve a problem at the same level of thinking at which you arrived at it” - Albert Einstein... and yet, that’s a common practice. Many companies are missing out on saving money and making money because their employees don’t know how to #think! – creatively and critically…subsequently knowing what innovation is and how to successfully execute it.
As I've traveled through-out North America conducting creativity & innovation workshops, I am stunned by the fact that a majority of our employed do not know how to think in a robust way, let alone have a tangible process by which to tap creative thinking to generate ideas and innovate from them.
The lack of knowledge and process, the signifcant lack of understanding regarding what it means to be creative, severely hampers creative problem-solving, the ability to acquire critical thinking skills, process improvement, effective decision-making and constructive collaboration.
Innovation becomes just a wish rather than an embedded, proven characteristic of and practice within a company culture.
To achieve all of the above, we connect the following dots and then some:
What is creativity?.. creative thinking?
What is the definition of criticial thinking?
Do we have creative minds?
What are some criticial thinking questions?
What's a creative process?
How do you generate creative ideas?
How to have a creative learning culture?
One final point of interest – in a survey done by the IBM Leadership Institute regarding essential leadership competencies, 1000 surveyed CEO’s indicated that creative thinking was the more important competency moving into the next few years! Article title: What Chief Executives Really Want?
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Investment: $750.00
Duration: 1 hour live, interactive virtual experience
Includes unlimited # of complimentary digital copies
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Ready to have some fun? A great idea for a virtual team-building, lunch & learn.
Power Up Your Thinking! : Creative, Critical and Innovative Thinking for 21st Century Business Success | full details
$750.00 / US - 1 hour, live virtual event
Once we've received notification of your desire to book - we'll schedule a time to make a plan. Note: 50 min. follow-up sessions can be booked for $500.00.
Copyright © 2020 Manage Global - All Rights Reserved. | The virtual division of JoAnn Corley Companies, Inc. | 888.388.0565
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