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You know what really bothers me when looking for help? When I come to a website to learn what a company offers and then I have to jump through hoops to find the information I'm looking for:
- What do you offer?
- How does it apply to me?
- Can you give a sample so that can I get a meaningful sense of how it works? and...drum roll, please,
- How much does it cost?
I vowed never to do that with my business. So, here you go. By the way, you'll notice instead of using the word cost, I use investment. That's because everything we offer comes with a demonstrated financial return-on-investment. For example, embedded in each step of The Smart Management Blueprint is a financial calculator exercise. An overview of this is provided within our briefing videos.
As a reminder - we offer a 100% money back guarantee if you don't get at minimum an equal roi on your investment.
|> Senior Leader, Executive Level - Leaders managing other leaders/managers
Single Advisory Session - We see individual sessions as customized, accelerated learning. They are typically used as a time for listening/needing a sounding board, as well as sorting through issues to gain clarity when making decisions. A 50 min. session is $450, and can be booked below.
Smart Management Blueprint Roll-out - Single Participant
Option 1: 1 Blueprint Implementation Planning Advisory Session: 90-120 minutes - $950.00
Option 2: 90 day development cycle - $5250.00 / per cycle
......Stage 1: Initial Blueprint Roll-out – Laying the Foundation - 90 days
......Stage 2: Momentum to Mastery - 90 days
Option 3: Subscribe monthly to The Distinct Leader - self-directed blueprint execution with a live weekly discussion roundtable. learn more here : $99.00/mth (check for special discounts)
Enrollment includes: customized on-boarding, weekly live, input & action planning sessions, complete access to dedicated content website containing supplemental learning and management resource tools, such as videos, behaviors assessments, hiring tools(e.g. EQ & behavior based interview questions), and other planning documents. The content included is alone worth the investment.
Multiple Participants - applies to both senior leaders and 2nd-3rd tier managers
Option 1 - modified pricing available based on # of participants
Option 2 - 1 year - unlimited use - $12,500- $25,000 (depending on company size and support plan - w/ access to all related resources and weekly live, input - includes Stage 2: Momentum to Mastery)
|> Single Contributors
Individual Managers - managing a team of individual contributors| Blueprint Roll-out - 90 day cycle - $1,500 *Enrolling more than 1 - 2nd/3rd tier manager - see Multiple Participants above. (or) for a generous discount, subscribe to The Distinct Leader - learn more here | Note: for mutliple enrollees over a period of time, consider a yearly license: 10+ $12,500.
Individual SMEs (subject matter experts - they play an advisory role, but do not directly manage a team. This would also apply to project managers) - 90 day cycle - $1,250.00 (we use a modified version of the blueprint specifically designed for them). Learn more here: The Emerging Executive
Our Unusual Promise
We offer a full, money back guarantee. If you fully participate during the 90 day cycle and do not achieve an equal or greater ROI, we will provide a complete refund…this is how confident we are in our offering.
Reminder: Before any decisions are made, there is a complimentary 30 min Q&A session available.
|> For Select Clients
Speaker: Keynotes & Breakouts - $6,500-7,500 plus travel
Facilitator: Leadership Retreat - $7,500-15,000 / plus travel - 1/2 day, full day, 2 day
|> LinkedIn Learning Courses
HR: How to Handle Employee Problems
Management: How to Handle Employee Performance Problems
Decision Criteria
Throughout our 22+ years in the industry of leadership-management training and development, we've noticed a common pattern when making a decision to invest.
Of course everyone is looking for the best value and return-on-investment. And so, the value is assessed by these 3 common criteria:
- volume of information (as mentioned earlier)
- complexity of information
- source of information such as certification from a prestigious university.
And yet it's proven that none of these will automatically translate into becoming more effective - getting the best results. As Peter Drucker observed: Increasing intelligence, knowledge, or activity does not necessarily increase the ability to achieve needed results.
Being effective resides solely in executing the behaviors to achieve the most important outcomes. It is simply a matter of willingness, desire to generate a prescribed set of actions over a period of commit to the discipline of being effective...which he observed is rare. None of the 3 common criteria are needed for this. This is what the blueprint provides - the opportunity for disciplined execution that can tracked and measured.
Pricing Context
▪️ The average executive certification program for 1 person ranges from $2,500 - $16,000 per participant.
▪️ The average cost of a senior management AMA (American Management Association) management 1 or 2-day course for a singular topic is about $2,200 - $2,500 per person with a strict policy of refunding or transfer if chosen dates don’t work.
They are information dumps with no implementation support, not tied to real-time business objectives, no measures of success or financial roi (return-on-investment) and no accountability or support post-event.
Our pricing - 90 days meeting critical needs in a holistic operational way with a measured financial return.
Theirs - a couple of days (in many cases 1 day) of an overwhelming information dump and that's it...the end - no post-event support...just hope that "they got something out of it and that something will be put into practice", with no money back guarantee.
> Single Participant - see below
> Multiple Participants:
Option 1 - contact us to schedule a call...we'll discuss needs and special pricing.
Option 2 - $12,500 - yearly license: we'll send you a special link, ACH info or arrangement for a purchase order.
After payment is complete, we'll send you information to:
> set up your client account
> provide links and complete, unlimited access to the content website
> schedule your customized onboarding and pin down your initial implementation plan.
50 minute Q&A on anything you want to talk about. Once we've received notice of your payment, we'll schedule a call and identify the outcomes you want to achieve from your session.
We'll spend 90 -120 minutes using the Blueprint to identify needs, map an action plan and estimate potential financial gain. You'll also receive copies of our 2 latest executive briefing books: Show Me the Money & The Human Quotient.
Need an invoice?...would rather do an ACH? Email me to set it up.
What to Expect: After we are notified of your payment, you will receive an email confirming receipt and next steps - which includes:
>scheduling your on-boarding session where we customize your implementation plan
>prompt for preparatory work prior to our meeting
>access to the dedicated content website which holds a ton of additional support content and resources.
Of course, you can always initiate contact via email... feel free to give us a heads-up that you've enrolled. This payment button is for both Stage 1 & Stage 2 |
Solving the Mystery of ROI to Unlock Profits and Increase Company Value. It's commonly believed that "soft skills" cannot be measured...oh but they can! It is an essential leadership and management competency to financially measure employee performance. This briefing teaches you how with great case studies included. This content is also embedded in the blueprint.
Though, you may not be ready to make a decision today. If anything you've seen or read resonates with you, let's have a quick chat. We can talk through what you're thinking. We'll give you feedback and if nothing else, you'll walk away with some new insights and ideas on how to move forward - even if you don't decided to formally work with us.
Going beyond EQ (emotional intelligence) want to improve your HQ?
Learn how to practically work with the human experience to lead and manage more effectively. Boost your HQ! It's a unique resource to improve managing people for better results which is incorporated into the blueprint. Access here
Solving the Mystery of ROI to Unlock Profits and Increase Company Value. It's commonly believed that "soft skills" cannot be measured...oh but they can! It is an essential leadership and management competency to financially measure employee performance. This briefing teaches you how with great case studies included. This content is also embedded in the blueprint.
Copyright © 2020 Manage Global - All Rights Reserved. | The virtual division of JoAnn Corley Companies, Inc. | 888.388.0565
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