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On this page you have the opportunity to apply our solution to your business
without spending a dime!
Who does that? Well, we do! We're passionate about helping and so confident in the results you'll achieve, we want you to take it for a test drive.
Literally, you could change the financial status of your business, business unit, department, or team today, if you take action to apply even 1 building block - (the blueprint has 9 not counting the financial ripple effects).
When completing the blueprint roll-out, you'll have at minimum 9 opportunities to create a positive financial improvement within a 90 day cycle while developing effective managers & teams.
Note: All the entire Effective Executive Initiate is designed to be offered virtually.
After viewing this Introduction...
Learn specifics about the blueprint by viewing the short, 15 -minute overview below.
Download this worksheet for note-taking | Overview Worksheet
SUMMARY: As an entrepreneur myself, including a family of 3 others (yes, our immediate family in different parts of the country, run 4 businesses!), I know (we know) the extra stress and frustration involved in growing and running a business when you don't have the appropriate knowledge and support. You should hear some of our conversations!
As a busy owner or senior leader, I know what it's like when you need help but struggle with...
Time...gotta take time to find the thing, the resources, and the folks to help and trust so that you can trust them to deliver.
Results... worried - will it work and in the case of management training & development - will it stick and be sustainable? (unlike traditional the training industry we call this the "spray and pray" method...spray out the information in dumps and pray some of it sticks). spending precious dollars, will I get what I need and expect or will it be a waste? Will it be worth it?
We Provide the What, Why & How
Our Effective Executive Blueprint provides a method and tool for busy business owners, senior leaders, and their HR partners to improve their effectiveness in the context of developing their extended leader/manager teams at every level...and measure the financial gain along the way! (This is pretty unique!)
1. Increases your managers' confidence by quickly filling their knowledge gap with ongoing support
2. Through improved people management, improve the quality of their operations via ongoing process improvement
3. Rapidly improve business results = systematically improves competence/effectiveness
4. Mitigates difficult employee issues
5. Strengthens and reinforces employee engagement
6. Helps you retain and develop the right employees
7. and enables you to financially measure and quantify these improvements, showing direct impact to your P/L.*
8. Improves operational strength - positioning for healthy growth.
*In most cases, a substantial return on investment is realized in the first few building blocks.
That's why you'll find our solution so unique and a tremendous value.
You might be saying..."awh, this sounds to good to be true". is your chance to use it at not cost. Take it for a test drive now.: Email me and I'll send
The Deep Dive is...
| 3 Options |
▶️One time strategic improvement planning session - 60-90 minutes - $950.00 - Request here
▶️Stage 2 & Stage 3
(Reminder: Stage 1 is Personal Effectiveness)
> Stage 2: The Deep Dive - 90 day rollout for 1-2 senior leaders (3 months) - $5,750 learn more here
> Stage 3: Group roll-out for your extended management team - 2nd/3rd Tier roll-out implementation
- pricing based on #of participants and customized time frame. Connect to discuss
- One time invest for one year - $12,500 - on concerns of time frame / complete access and freedom of use of all dedicated website content.
> If you're not sure about the pricing - please know, you're spending it one way or another.
=> Check out the video below: What's It Costing You? - How To Calculate the Cost of an Underperforming Manager.
| Pricing Context |
▪️ The average executive certification program ranges from $2,500 - $16,000 per participant.
▪️ The average cost of a senior management AMA (American Management Association) 1 or 2-day course for a singular topic is about $2,200 - $2,500 per person with a strict policy of refunding or transfer if chosen dates don’t work. They are information dumps with no implementation support, not tied to real-time business objectives, no measures of success or financial roi (return-on-investment) and no accountability or support post-event.
In relation to our pricing, that’s a few senior managers for a couple of days (in many cases 1 day) of an overwhelming information dump and that's it...the end - no post-event support...just hope that "they got something out of it and that something will be put into practice". Hope is not a practical, realistic strategy for gaining a measured return on investment for executive management development.
Since untrained managers has a perpetual ripple effect creating systemic organizational issues, the reality is you will pay one way or the other. View this short briefing to learn more: How to Calculate the Loss of an Underperforming Manager - What's it Costing You?
Take the complimentary 55 minute Deep Dive (instructional video) right now: Email request for access information (includes 15 page worksheet doc) -
Throughout our 22 years in the industry of leadership-management training and development, we've noticed a common pattern when making a decision to invest.
Of course everyone is looking for the best value and return-on-investment. And so, the value is assessed by these 3 common criteria:
- volume of information
- complexity of information
- source of information such as certification from a prestigious university.
And yet it's proven that none of these will automatically translate into becoming more effective. As Peter Drucker observed: Increasing intelligence, knowledge, or activity does not necessarily increase the ability to achieve needed results. Being effective resides solely in executing the behaviors to achieve the most important outcomes. It is simply a matter of willingness, desire to generate a prescribed set of actions over a period of commit to the discipline of being effective...which he observed is rare. None of the 3 common criteria are needed for this.
And since it is so, what are you willing to invest to make your professional mark, increase measurable value for you and your company and become a distinct leader in your profession?
Download our executive summary | Schedule a complimentary 30 min. Q&A call | Opt to take the 55 minute Deep Dive | Subscribe to our monthly e-visory
It's very common for decision-makers to hesitate making a training and development investments. That's perfectly understandable, because that industry does an abysmal job of financially calculating the value.
This is one of the significant and distinct advantages of working with us. We remove your "FOS" - fear of spending. We know who to and help you to measure financial gains throughout the initiative. This video demonstrates that. Download your notes-docs Enjoy!
You can also find us as a mini-podcast- Your Smart Management Moment - on iTunes, Google Play, Spotify, SoundCloud and on Amazon's Alexa as a Flash Briefing
(just request JoAnn Corley's Your Smart Management Moment)
Copyright © 2020 Manage Global - All Rights Reserved. | The virtual division of JoAnn Corley Companies, Inc. | 888.388.0565
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