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I have designed this resource page for you to be as informed as possible about the work we do, why it should matter to you and how you can benefit. My goal is for you to be confident - whether you formally work with us or not - when offering resources in this much needed area of leadership/management training and development.
Summary: One "training course" is not enough to get the results you want and need. Learning, talking about a skill does not automatically create a skill. A skill is a developed behavior. Developing new, sustained behaviors takes time. It's the simple human behavior principle of creating a habit.
So we offer development cycles - 30, 60 or 90 days of weekly bite-sized learning with a corresponding targeted action, and along the way measuring the results. All of this is supported with live weekly input, delivered virtually. During the cycle, we use a one-of-a-kind tested and proven management development blueprint.
3 major benefits working with us:
1> You'll be able to offer something of substantial value that you can proudly demonstrate.
2> You'll learn how to financially measure the value.
3> You'll also be able to enhance your business and people acumen - which is an exceptional capability for an HR professional as a demonstrated, valuable business partner.
JoAnn Corley-Schwarzkopf | Globally Recog. HR & Mgt. Expert | Event: Chief Talent Officer Exchange
As you approach planning your next leadership and/or management training initiative consider this: Improving a personal quality doesn't necessarily translate into improving effectiveness or results. Most training decisions are qualities orientated not behavior and results orientated, and rarely with an eye towards improving effectiveness. And yet, if someone is not being trained to get the best results - the definition of effective - is that really the best use of your precious training dollars?
Consider the concepts in the book The Effective Executive - if getting results is the target and purpose of your training, then clearly understanding what is required and how you define effectiveness and needed results is key.
By the way, Drucker describes an "executive" as anyone who needs to execute to get needed results. Check out the expanded video explanation at the bottom of this resource page.
Next, as you continue to contemplate the purpose, the need for the "training", you'll find it will typically fall into 1 or all of these 3 needs:
1> need functional knowledge = add to knowledge base
2> need to develop a capability or skill = learn how to do something = new behaviors
3> both = need new knowledge and also needs to turn that knowledge into know-how = demonstrated with a new behavior.
Perpetual challenge in our industry => Many decision-makers want 3 - but choose "training" that only addresses, achieves #1.
How Our Industry Traditionally Approaches Training
What's been the practice for many years is we choose a learning resource (that we call a "training" resource) via a classroom setting, seminars, or e-learning. They are usually formatted to provide volumes of information. Typically, the value is seen in the volume. And, the assumption is made that learning all this stuff will surely get me the results I'm paying for...a change in behavior, a new outcome.
The truth is, a one and done knowledge dump does not guarantee nor automatically translate into behavior change much less a developed skill (a mastered behavior)...and definitely not for changing deeply embedded behaviors that someone has had for years.
When we are making these kind of decisions, many of us are stuck in a perpetual default mode as described above.
So. we've provided the videos below (even with planning worksheets) for you to freely re-think your approach to planning and deploying training initiatives of any kind, though our focus is specific to leadership and management.
You'll also learn about what we offer and why it needs to be different. Our commitment to you is to set you up for sustained success - best results and best return on your investment.
So here's what we recommend you view below:
1. We do it different and why there's better value: We Do The Opposite
2. Our Solution: The Smart Management Blueprint
3. What it takes to set up a successful training initiative
4. Our Kindle Short - Top 10 Reasons
5. Making a decision to work with us - click here
Finally, we're very transparent with our pricing because the value we offer is quite exceptional and we do something very unusual in the industry - we offer a 100% money back guarantee. Summary of Services
When it comes to management training and development that actually works - do you really want just another course? How about something that can get measureable results? ... consider a development cycle.
View this 9 minute video to learn how we approach training and development - which we encourage you to adopt.
Management Blueprint Overview for HR Professionals
Here's a link to a handout/worksheet - download here
Also, to learn about our holistic organizational view of leadership/management development - view our ReThinking Leadership page and the video - 3 Tier Leadership
Consider this your private, strategic planning session. Whether you choose to work with us or not, you'll gain valuable insights for any decision going forward.
Here's a link to a worksheet to download: Click here
Ok, you're curious.. how this can work for your organization? Schedule a 30 min. Q&A call. Share what's on your mind and we'll walk through what's possible. You'll most likely gain an action plan whether you formally choose to work with us or not.
If you like it and you'd like to try it with an individual leader or pilot it with a small group, check out the pricing here : Summary of Services
Want a quick read that will help you make the best decisions on leadership and management training from this point forward?
Check out latest briefing -
Throughout our 22 years in the industry of leadership-management training and development, we've noticed a common pattern when making a decision to invest.
Of course everyone is looking for the best value and return-on-investment. And so, the value is assessed by these 3 common criteria:
- volume of information
- complexity of information
- source of information such as certification from a prestigious university.
And yet it's proven that none of these will automatically translate into becoming more effective - getting the best results. As Peter Drucker observed: Increasing intelligence, knowledge, or activity does not necessarily increase the ability to achieve needed results.
Being effective resides solely in executing the behaviors to achieve the most important outcomes. It is simply a matter of willingness, desire to generate a prescribed set of actions over a period of commit to the discipline of being effective...which he observed is rare. None of the 3 common criteria are needed for this. This is what the blueprint provides - the opportunity for disciplined execution that can tracked and measured.
Pricing Context
▪️ The average executive certification program for 1 person ranges from $2,500 - $16,000 per participant.
▪️ The average cost of a senior management AMA (American Management Association) management 1 or 2-day course for a singular topic is about $2,200 - $2,500 per person with a strict policy of refunding or transfer if chosen dates don’t work.
They are information dumps with no implementation support, not tied to real-time business objectives, no measures of success or financial roi (return-on-investment) and no accountability or support post-event.
Our pricing - 90 days meeting critical needs in a holistic operational way with a measured financial return.
Theirs - a couple of days (in many cases 1 day) of an overwhelming information dump and that's it...the end - no post-event support...just hope that "they got something out of it and that something will be put into practice", with no money back guarantee.
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Show Me the Money & The Human Quotient
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Here's a complimentary explainer video for the book - The Effective Executive.
Copyright © 2020 Manage Global - All Rights Reserved. | The virtual division of JoAnn Corley Companies, Inc. | 888.388.0565
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