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If you are an executive or senior leader read on. If you are an HR professional we've created a page just for you. HR Partner. If you are an individual 1st or 2nd tier manager, we've created a special page for you as well. Click here.
To follow, you will find 2 briefing videos that provide important information if you're considering using our resources to meet your needs. We know some folks like viewing a video and some like reading. So we've provided:
Video Overview #1 - Learn specifically the 9 elements (high-impact areas) - the people management essentials - that if not in place can undermine your results and how they are laid out in the blueprint.. Also, you'll learn why acquiring a management system is superior to choosing 'just another course" for your management development needs.
Video Overview #2 - Key Distinction – We Do the Opposite of What’s Popular – besides providing a systemactic approach to management development via the blueprint, how we approach training and development is another distinct advantage. It's a great explanation of why you should work with us - don't skip this one... it's critical to understanding the substantial value you'll experience. Whether you work with us or not - you'll gain valuable insight for your future training decisions.
3. Executive Summary - Decision Guide - download below if prefer to read. It's a 20 page comprehensive explanation with a few worksheets included.
We recommend you view them in order - plan on taking notes! At any point, if you have questions, don't hesitate to email: or use our Contact link above to ask a question or schedule a 30 min. Q&A call.
SPECIAL NOTE: If you feel as if you need to work on your personal effectiveness before focusing on improving how you lead others - then click the link to learn more about our special development initiative. | The Disciplined Executive
If you're like me, I prefer to geek out on the details in writing. So, if you'd rather read... download our complete Executive Summary | Decision Guide - 20 pages - which also includes several assessments for you to walk through.
It will help you determine how to apply this unique resource to your business or area of responsibility, where to identify quick wins and overall, determine all the relevant benefits in real-time. It also includes the ability to "pre-calculate" your financial gain before you spend one dime. ...pretty cool! - Click here
This is the summary video of our offering. It explains the 9 high-impact areas - management essentials - that are the most common in undermining a leader's efforts due to ineffective people management. The good news?... they can be easily addressed for quick improvement. The blueprint enables that in a proven, systematic way.
We're not another information dump. This is not just another course. Because of our years of experience and observation in the training and development industry, we are very clear about what works, what doesn't and what needs to happen to get the best results - the ones you really want.
This briefing video shares what you need to know when making a decision about "training" of any kind and the tremendous value of our approach - systemized d
Our implementation mantra: Become Your Own Case Study
We are very transparent about our pricing.
We never want a potential client to feel as if they are being "sold". You can see by the series of videos provided, we want you to be very clear regarding the value and expected return of your spend.
Go to the Summary of Services page for pricing and links to enroll.
Or...if you're not quite ready, consider the next step options below.
We are very transparent about our pricing. We never want a potential client to feel as if they are being "sold". You can see by the series of videos provided, we want you to be very clear regarding the value and expected return of your spend. You can go to the
Summary of Services page for pricing and links to enroll.
Or...if you're not quite ready, consider the next step options suggested.
Take advantage of our complimentary - 3O min. Q&A call.
You talk...we listen.
We can walk through your notes and answer any questions you may have.
Whether you choose to work with us or not you'll gain operational insights and an actionable plan just from one conversation.
Get an invitation to our next Masterclass. We'll be taking a deep dive into all of the elements of the blueprint including how we embed behavior science and how to calculate financial returns through some very eye-opening case studies.
Not ready for a call yet?
Stay connected and continue to learn more by subscribing to our E-visory.
A couple of times a month we'll share actionable information to continue to support your efforts, along with extending periodic invitations to live, advisory peer roundtables and Masterclasses.
When you subscribe, you'll also receive a complimentary digital copy of our latest executive briefings
The Human Quotient - Your Most Potent Force for Business Success
Become a Referral Partner!
We know that the lack of effective management training is a corporate epidemic. So, you probably know someone who would love to hear about what we offer.
With this in mind, we've created a formal Referral Partner Program - click here to learn more!
Delivered a couple of times a month...and we promise not to bombard you with emails - that's annoying!
Copyright © 2020 Manage Global - All Rights Reserved. | The virtual division of JoAnn Corley Companies, Inc. | 888.388.0565
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